HVP1 - High voltage probe for Ø8mm round pins
High voltage probe up to 5kV (DC) for Ø8mm round pins
This high-voltage contacts were developed for contacting e-mobility plugs and sockets in the automotive sector.
The connectors are used for contacting pin, socket & shield contacts under high voltage up to 5000V DC. The measured specifcations refer to the new condition of probes under laboratory conditions with high voltage ramp 0.2s over 10s.
Technical design and application
• contacting of sockets-/ plug contacts
• parallel contact for Kelvin measurement
• parallel monitoring of the isolated finger protection function under high-voltage conditions
• airtight versions available
Important safety note:
If the product is operated with voltages greater than 60V, the country-specifc standards, norms and applicable laws and regalations for the protection of people and machine must be observed. This responsibility is taken over by the operator and manufacturer of equipment using these contact probes.
For further specifications, please contact us.

Product specification
Current Resistance | 2.00 amps |
Solutions | Battery & High Current Testing EV Connector Testing Wire Harness Testing |
Request for quote
Please choose your Head Diameter and/or Head style to select Probes. The suitable part numbers are then shown below our head style images.